5-Star technique for your relaxed appearance
"My clients often face the challenge of delivering the best possible performance in front of relevant stakeholders or on camera. Many are very confident as long as they are acting in a small circle. As soon as the stage enlarges or there is even a camera appearance, even the most confident personalities would prefer to sink into the ground," reports Dorette Segschneider. For two decades, she has accompanied top leaders and taken away their fear of the camera. "My clients are usually spoiled for success and confident personalities, until that one moment when the camera's red light comes on. As much as they want to leave their fear at the door, the fear of public speaking sticks to them like a limpet. Welcome to one of the fundamental challenges of appearing in front of the camera," continues Dorette Segschneider. Used correctly, this fear can be a powerful motivator, Segschneider is convinced. However, if it remains uncontrolled, it may trigger persistent anxiety - a type of fear that causes performances to fail.
Panic attack in the middle of a live TV show
Dorette Segschneider knows the feeling of fear all too well from her own experience. After 15 years in TV moderation, she had a panic attack - in the middle of a live broadcast. She had been fighting her fear on the surface for too long instead of getting to the root of the problem. "I was working with a coach at the time, and he kept giving me what seemed like the best tips on how to gain more confidence. The kind of tips you can read about in any book. In the end, it made me more and more insecure. The tips didn't work because they started on the surface - my excitement grew and parallel, of course, the self-doubt. Accordingly, the panic attack was almost a gift - now I had to act, and I did. Today I am relaxed and confident in any situation." She has linked her personal journey with, among other things, her know-how as a certified Accelerated Coach (led by former Google head coach David Peterson) and her decades of experience coaching top leaders from around the world. From this, she developed the 5-Star-Method, with which she works very successfully today.
"Most people think: Well, let's remove this 'fear obstacle' now and get to work on a successful and fear-free performance. That's a good idea, except for the part about removing it," Dorette Segschneider cuts in and continues: "Fear is a completely normal, reflexive, and useful reaction. Especially when we are confronted with a difficult or dangerous situation, it makes us very alert and responsive to threats. Only rarely are we exposed to threats in which we need this 'first pattern. That's exactly why our brain looks for a substitute battle arena to train this ability that guarantees our life." So, he said, it is critical to work on reducing and managing these fears.
Passion for the marathon
This is not a sprint! If you want to appear sustainably confident and relaxed in front of the camera or in presentations, you start a marathon - everything else is window dressing. Many people run marathons with great passion. At the same time, they are aware that the basis for success is sustainable and long-term training. No one would expect to make 42 km after three days of running seminars. "It's the same with performance. If you really want to feel confident in the long term, you first need time to explore your own patterns. Secondly, you need the commitment to train regularly," emphasizes Dorette Segschneider. This fact can be compared with sports because no professional uses the same method. Everyone first explores their own personal strategy, based on which specialists develop the individual training. "The same applies to your own appearance. Finally, confident and free of fear in front of the camera - be it for YouTube, in-house videos, Instagram, or classic television. This requires a clear anamnesis and, on this basis, an individualized procedure in five steps," Dorette Segschneider introduces her 5-Star technique.
Discover personality - Finding out what role personality plays—creating a differentiated personality profile with the aim of obtaining a clear picture of one's own personality. The highlight: In this way, everyone finds valid and accurate clues as to where the fear comes from.
Analyze patterns - The next step is simply to observe. The client goes on a journey of discovery and becomes an observer of his patterns. As in marathon training, the first step is to find out what running style he has in order to establish a healthy running style then. In the further course, it is a matter of trying out new patterns, testing them out, making mistakes, etc. Only those who clearly identify their previous patterns can successfully establish a new behaviour in the long term.
Reassessment of fear - Again, think of sports: the coach giving an activating speech before the competition. For example, when soccer players leave the locker room, they do so with a mixture of focus and anticipation - a powerful combination. The point is to generate anticipation rather than anxiety. While the emphasis on motivational thoughts is not new, the strategy of fundamental reassessment and sustained implementation is critical. Various studies have proved this strategy of re-evaluation and the resulting sustainable improvement of personal anxiety. The technique for this is part of the coaching work of Dorette Segschneider.
Developing a strategy - This step is about developing a long-term strategy - no marathon training without a training strategy. The same goes for the goal of performing confidently and without fear in front of the camera. This includes, for example, preparation techniques, training planning to ensure sustainability, strategic mindset work, meditation, nutrition, micro-practices and sleep patterns. Pattern recognition and personality identification shape the basis. The prerequisite for developing the individual strategy - meditation helps one person, more sleep helps another, etc. - is actually to achieve the goal.
DO - Success has two letters: DO. Regular implementation of the planned strategy is the key. Keep at it and be committed. This includes professional time management strategies combined with an individual reward system, which are integrated in the concept of Dorette Segschneider, among others.
Dorette Segschneider teaches her 5 Star Method in an intensive coaching process that she developed especially for top leaders. If you, too, are thinking about finding out the role of your personality and re-evaluating fears, contact Dorette Segschneider directly - so that you too can appear more relaxed and confident in the future.